Support Us
We have a big faith fundraising goal for Together Church as we are a new church.
We know and trust God in this process 100%, because it's His church we are building, not ours.
We also know that He has placed people in our lives with the gift of generosity, people who will partner with us to see Together Church launched from a place of strength.
Below is a breakdown of specific areas you can give to and a current progress report on how it's going.
Scroll to the bottom to see giving options.
Community Outreach
Our passion is to not just be a church in the community, but a church for the community.
Help us to reach our community.
Community Out Reach - $9600 (over first year)
Easter/Christmas Projects - $5000 (over first year)
Give towards our staffing team.
Our goal is to have the capability to employ Martin, along with two coordinators (Kids and Worship) in part time roles.
Launch Day - $27,000
First Year - $88,000
Location and Gathering
We are so excited to have locked in our location, Shelly Park Primary. Give towards our location and gathering costs.
Launch Day: $10,300
First Year: $20,000
Sound Equipment
We have been lucky enough to have already purchased our sound system and mics etc, however we still require a keyboard, drum kit and a few extra cables.
Instruments (Keyboard etc) - $11,000 (over first year)
We get excited about sowing into the next generation. Family/whanau is an important part of who we are and why we do what we do. We want to make sure from day one we can cater for the family and next generation well.
Equipment/Furniture - $7000 (over first year)
Toys/Games - $2000 (over first year)
Food/Supplies- $2000 (over first year)
Banners/Signs - $1000 (over first year)
Youth Socials - $2500 (over first year)
We understand that not everyone can give financially to what we are doing in NZ.
Prayer is just as important, so we ask maybe you would consider joining our monthly prayer communications.
We will send monthly prayer points and would love more people standing alongside us in prayer.
Partnership with ARC (Association of Related Churches)
We have partnered with a church planting organisation called ARC, and for every dollar that is given, they will give us matching funds of up to $50,000.
USD Support
Given the current exchange rate $1USD = $1.70NZD // $70,000USD = $120,000NZD
Account information for Direct Deposit:
For International giving options people email